No matter where in the world you are, no matter what language is native to your tongue, no matter your profession, no matter your station in life...... we share in common the ability to learn to read. Takes practice for each of us to develop the skill to read, but it is a skill we can share in common.
“Read Across America” celebrates and promotes this great truth and life skill! “In May 1997, a small reading task force at NEA (National Education Association) came up with a big idea. "Let's create a day to celebrate reading," the group decided. "We hold pep rallies to get kids excited about football. We assemble to remember that Character Counts. Why don't we do something to get kids excited about reading? We'll call it 'NEA's Read Across America' and we'll celebrate it on Dr. Seuss's birthday." And so was born on March 2, 1998, the largest celebration of reading this country has ever seen.” (from the NEA archives)
Yesterday was March 2, 2012 and therefore - READ ACROSS AMERICA DAY! It was my joy to join the more than 3.2 million teachers and educational professionals here in the United States in observing this special day with their students. Read with them and watch our younger generation READ!
Holmes" students gather to share Read Across America |
It was an especially awesome event for the students of Holmes Elementary in Lincoln, Nebraska. The 400 plus students gathered in their gymnasium to all read together at the same time. All together and with their peers and new friends at the American Corner in Tetovo, Macedonia! The 5600 miles separating the two groups of students was erased as together they listened to principal Haeven Pedersen read Dr Seuss’ “Up, Up”. (You can visit KLKN’s website and see their coverage and here more about the event: )
By the blessing of skype - Lincoln to Tetovo |
As KLKN shares, Holmes is also hosting a book drive - gathering books (children’s books) to share with their peers in Macedonia. What began as a Holmes project, and a hope for a couple of hundred books has grown providentially. More than 15 schools in LPS are now participating and more than a thousand books have already arrived at Holmes. HOW AMAZING! Fundraising efforts are under way to collect the money needed to ship this growing mountain of books to Tetovo. Shipping costs will exceed $2 a book - you can do the math.
Logan shares the Holmes' story with the KLKN tv crew |
Motivating children to read is an important factor in student achievement and creating lifelong successful readers. Research has shown that children who are motivated and spend more time reading do better in school. Never take for granted your ability to read! Never take for granted the opportunity to assist another in strengthening their skill of reading. I hope you never pass an opportunity to boost reading .... in your home, in your town, your state, in our nation or across the world.
For every person, but especially to our younger generations and in a republic who is only 19 years into their independence - knowledge is power; reading is knowledge.
What a great program!!! And fantastic art work!! Love ya, Your Honey