Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Where You Stand - Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Where you stand determines a lot about where you go.

Oh my word, that sounds rather direct and easy.   Almost so trite that it deserves a sarcastic response, maybe even a “DUH”!
Yes, the reality is that Jen can go to Skopke,  Macedonia fairly easily and regularly because she currently is standing in Tetovo, Macedonia.  For those of us on the east side of the great pond,  we are most likely not going to be able to go to Skopke this week.  Although, I confess I am very anxious for the week when I can go to Skopke!
And, I can easily head to Omaha, Kansas City, Kearney, and Weeping Water whenever I feel the need because of where I stand.   For Jen, it would take a 25 hour flight to be able to then drive easily to these locations.
Where you stand determines a lot about where you go.

Think about the more abstract application of this truth regarding how we live.

If you want to be successful, happy, healthy, maybe even a bit wealthy - you can not get there if you are standing in negativity, bitterness, self pity, or laziness.  Where you stand determines a lot about where you can go.  You know where laziness will get you - NO WHERE!  You know where negativity will get you -- lower than no where.

So take a deep, cleansing breath and look into the mirror.

Where do you want to go?

Where are you standing?

Does your location or your frame of mind need to be changed if you are going to be able to go where you want to go?

Do your patterns of behavior or choices need to be changed if you are going to be able to go where you want to go?
If you want to be in better shape - get off the couch.  If you want to lose weight - step out of the bakery.  If you want a healthier planet - get out of your car and walk.  If you want peace on earth - get out of self centered decision making.

After your time looking into the mirror, if you feel a need to change your course or location to be able to change your destination -  then......

Just like the man at Walmart demonstrated,  if you want something to be different - do something different! 

Here we are at the end of another month, and too soon at the end of another year.....
 make ready to go where you want to go, even if it requires changing where you are standing.

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