Wednesday, October 26, 2011

One Plus One is Two - October 2, 2011

This is a fairly simple concept...  one we learn mathematically when we are young; one we can try any time we need concrete proof.   Simply take an apple... it is one.  Go get another apple (one), place it beside the first apple. What do you have?  Two... right? An apple setting beside another apple is two apples.  Always!  You can count on it!  Sorry about the pun.
     That’s the easy proof of one plus one is two.  Difficulties arise however, when you throw humans into the equation.  Oh, I don’t mean if you stand one human by another human that it is difficult to analyze that you have two humans.  Humans count just like apples.  The difficult part comes when humans are involved in moving toward a desired outcome; in making observations; in finding the common ground. The difficult part comes when humans have to engage in information, sharing, and production.

    Oh my word, one plus one can seem like it is a foreign concept when we are dealing with customer service representatives.  Outrageous and ridiculous conclusions leave us examining the very basics of our mathematical knowledge.  Apples are apples; oranges are oranges; one plus one is two - except when you are trying to make plain your needs, ask your questions and share their company’s shortcomings to the customer service representative.  Fewer things can raise our blood pressure faster or make us ready to pull out our hair more quickly than a  Discover's “Peggy style” customer service representative!

    We must find a calming mantra and chant, “I can endure this momentary mathematical set back.  At some point I will return to the world where one plus one is two! I will endure this moment and its craziness!”

    On the contrary, sometimes one plus one can be synergetic and the result is greatness beyond our expectations or comprehension.  When two ideas come together to solve a dilemma; when two passions converge for an invention; when two levels of energy combine for a sudden burst of accomplishments; when the lights combine for an epiphany - oh my word - life is grand!
    Sometimes in the midst of the contradictions and "Discover Card  Peggies",  I beg for the patience to reflect upon and the focus to hold on for an epiphany!  Wait for the synergy!  Let us be “I can” people!   Let us cling to: “I can” survive the sum total of one plus one, even when it is less than two!”

    Even in the face of a frustrating customer service relationship, I refused to let this minor frustration detract from observing and enjoying a unique synergetic experience.  This weekend was the Nebraska Masonic Youth Leadership Conference in Kearney.  Great presenters and entertainers infused us with hope, encouragement, and a desire for excellence.  Patience would allow frustration to be replaced with energy, excitement, accomplishment and just plain fun!

    There in lies one of life’s greatest blessings.......  frustration replaced with joy!

    When one plus one is not two...... demand that it is TEN!

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